Morning mood at West End 1/2 colliery
In 1922, when the Ruhrpott lived up to its name.

Sinking work for Westende Shaft 1 in Duisburg-Meiderich began as early as 1856.
After closure and several changes of ownership, production resumed in 1870. Shaft 2 was sunk from 1889 and went into operation in 1892. In 1927, the 1/2 pit was shut down and the day pits were demolished by 1928. In addition to the colliery, there were several coking plants for gas production and numerous industrial plants. Their main source of propulsion were steam engines that were fed with coal. Countless chimneys smoked day and night. And this is how the industrial area on the Rhine and Ruhr got its name. It boiled and smoked non-stop between Duisburg and Dortmund like a big pot. No one spoke of pollution back then...
I hope that after almost 100 years I was able to capture this mood. I was helped by several old photos that I used as templates for this illustration.

As with almost all of my illustrations, I work from the background to the foreground.
She was drawn on an Apple iPad Pro 12.9 using Adobe Fresco and Kyle T. Webster's famous brushes.
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