The colliery and coking plant
Königsborn III /IV at the end of the 1960s.

The Koenigsborn colliery was a hard coal mine at several locations in the Unna district. The colliery has a history of more than 120 years and was in operation for almost 100 years. In 1874 the sinking of the Königsborn I shaft began in the Unna-Königsborn area. The mine went into operation in 1880.
In 1898 sinking work for shaft 3 began. In 1901, the second level was set in shaft 3 at a depth of 450 meters (−381 m above sea level). On October 15 of the same year, a coking plant went into operation at location 3/4. The coking plant was equipped with 50 ovens.
As a result, there were now two operating plants, Königsborn 1/2 and the double shaft plant Königsborn 3/4. On the Königsborn 3/4 construction site, eight seams with a thickness between 0.8 and 3.0 meters were cut.
Ruhrkohle AG was founded in 1968 and the Königsborn colliery was incorporated into the newly founded Ruhrkohle AG. On November 15, 1977, the coking plant on plant 3/4 was shut down. On May 15, 1981, the entire plant 3/4 was shut down.
The RAG 775 colliery locomotive shown was built in 1936 by Henschel in Kassel with the serial number 22984.

As with almost all of my illustrations, I work from the background to the foreground.
She was drawn on an Apple iPad Pro 12.9 using Adobe Fresco and Kyle T. Webster's famous brushes.
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