My Project "Bon Voyage"

My Wanderlust Diary
For over 60 years I am fascinated by traveling. In childhood and youth it was the holiday trips to other cities and places, later also to other countries. My job as art director and then creative director brought me a long way from home across America to Hong Kong and Australia. But I also met the European cities at photo shootings. On vacation, I have always chosen fascinating places such as Beijing, Paris or Vienna and exotic islands like Tahiti, Martinique or Mauritius to quench my wanderlust. There I had interesting encounters with people and things in the most different places.
From all these trips I have collected many beautiful memories. What is stored so far only in my head, in various photo boxes and in file folders should now be summarized in the form of a fictional illustraded travel journal. From the late fifties to the present and the future.

My Tools
To give this book a personal touch, all motifs will be exclusively illustrated. As my base I´ll use photos, postcards and other memories. As I want to use different styles, to document the temporal relation of my travels, I will use for this project the most different Adobe programs: Adobe Sketch, Photoshop, Adobe Draw and Illustrator for the drawings and graphics, InDesign for the layout, Acrobat for publications and behance, Adobe Spark and Adobe Muse to spread it.
My Challenges
I‘ve been interested in drawing and painting since my earliest childhood. In mid-2017 I have discovered that in digital form with the iPad + Pencil and Wacom Cintiq ProTablet + Adobe Photoshop / Illustrator.
A little story about it is available on Adobe Spark
After many years as Creative Director for Advertising and Design I will now focus on the different illustration and drawing styles starting with this project.
A First Look

#AdobeSketch #KyleTWebster #AdobeDraw #Drawing #AdobeDraw #Illustrator